Sitecore Forms ExtensionsΒΆ

Welcome, happy to see your are (considering) using the Sitecore Forms Extensions module to give your Sitecore 9 forms a feature boost!

With this module you will be able to prefill forms, get a file upload field, get better integration with EXM, a Google Recaptcha, additional validators and much more.

These pages serve as the documentation for the module. They are splitted into 2 sections:

  • Content Editor Documentation Here you will find how to use the module once installed and configured.
  • Developer Documentation This part contains installation instructions and info on how to add customizations on the module that fit your solution.

If you are missing stuff in this documentation. Feel free to send me a private message on Sitecore Slack (@bverdonck) or send me a tweet on twitter (@_onelittlespark).

Found a bug? Please reported it on Github

Have fun with the module!

Content Editor Documentation